Hasse Weil zeta functions as dynamical zeta functions
16:30 ~ 17:30
16:00〜16:30 ティータイム(談話室,ウエスト1号館C棟5階 C-515 号室)
16:30〜17:30 講演(オーディトリアム,ウエスト1号館D棟4階 D-413 号室)
講師: Christopher Deninger(University of Münster)
題目:Hasse Weil zeta functions as dynamical zeta functions
概要:For any system of diophantine equations or more generally for any separated scheme X of finite type over the integers, there is a zeta function originating from the works of Hasse and Weil.
The Riemann zeta funtion is a special case. On the other hand, Ruelle introduced a zeta function for certain dynamical systems where the role of the primes is played by the periodic orbits.
In the talk we explain the construction of a dynamical system whose Ruelle zeta function is the Hasse Weil zeta function of X.